The Link Collection is made up of three geometric, rounded typefaces: Link, Link Overlap, and Link Stencil. All typefaces in the collection have one weight and a width axis ranging from Condensed to Extra Wide.
The Link Collection started with Link Overlap and was born from the question of how can we highlight the construction of digital letterforms, while playing with an extreme width axis? Digital letterform construction follows a specific architecture that when done correctly will generate variable fonts with smooth interpolations. Thankfully, font users never have to see how fonts are built with the specific point placements and combination of shapes. But in Link Overlap we’re pulling back the curtain and making the construction of this digital alphabet transparent. That, combined with the question of how wide can we go? results in some interesting forms, and a typeface with real character.
In Link, we return to a traditional letterform construction, but follow the forms set in Link Overlap resulting in some characters with a special feel. Link Stencil was a natural successor to Link Overlap; stencil shapes kept naturally forming, until there were enough stencil alternates that it became its own subfamily. All three typefaces in the collection share their skeletal forms, and thus pair together harmoniously.
Engineering: Sabrina Nacmias
Release: October 2023